Welcome to my blog!

Michigan is a perfect garden spot. The springs and falls are glorious, the summers get hot (but not extreme) with plenty of rain, the winters are cold (again, not extreme) with plenty of beautiful snow and lots of down time to plan next year's gardens. The soil here is sandy and a tiny bit alkaline. If I had a wish it would be for more loamy soil and shorter winters but oh well!

I had long grown daylilies but discovered the incredible advancements in variety of form, color, and accents about 7 years ago and started buying more. I have about 350 varieties at the moment. I hybridize my own seedlings and have a large seedling bed. My garden here is relatively new (moved in 2008) but getting established.

It's tempting to plant beds with only my favorite flower but it's the combinations with other plants that make a garden beautiful so I'm careful to keep the entire composition in mind so that my garden is beautiful spring through frost.

Gardening is a lot of work - but how nice to come home after a busy day and forget my cares for a while by immersing my mind in maintaining beauty.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Almost spring, 2008

Can't believe I've neglected this blog so long - gardening, then family health/death issues, and then a move were all-consuming last year. Now it's time to take a breather for a week or so before starting to move my gardens. The ground is still mostly frozen and there are drifts of snow still melting but I have been outside a couple of times, cutting back and cleaning up. In a week or so I will start preparing planting beds at the new home and by the end of April will start to move all my garden plants over. The old property is half-an-hour away. It's a lot of work but I've done it before and will do it again. This was move #14 in my adult life, and move #7 which entailed transplanting garden plants. They get more numerous as time goes on! I will leave plantings around the house at the old place but plan to eliminate the huge garden and fill in the pond. There aren't too many people that want (and can maintain) a garden that size.